This free printable halloween costume bingo is perfect if you’re planning to stay in and hand out candy! Print these halloween bingo cards out and fill out the costumes you expect to see- winner gets the best candy ;)

Post originally published October 2013, updated October 2022
This post is so exciting for me to update. This is the very first printable I ever made for Lemon Thistle! And 9 years later I’m still loving it enough to print it off for our family to fill out. If you’re planning on staying in to hand out candy this halloween, if you’re heading trick or treating with your kids and want to wager the reeses on who gets the most squares coloured in… this free printable halloween bingo is perfect for you!
I created this printable halloween costume bingo the year our twins were newborns. We had a party at my dad’s who has lots of kids come to the door. We competed with our friends and realized how very out of touch we were with what ‘kids these days’ dress up as. You’ll get a laugh looking at my costume suggestions below… no wonder none of us won! LOL
Now that our kids trick and treat themselves, I’m much more in tune with kid costumes, I love going out to trick or treat with them and see all the costumes kids have chosen. And if you’re not trick or treating yourself? Having this ready definitely makes answering the door that much more fun.

Click here to download the free printable halloween costume bingo.
Want to try the printable halloween costume bingo yourself? Just download it at the link above, then print some off to fill in the squares with costumes you’re hoping to see. Hang out under the awesome giant spider you made and get dabbing every time you open the door to find one of your guesses! First bingo or first blackout wins a prize. I’ve filled out an example so feel free to steal my (super awesome circa 1995) ideas!
such a fun idea — make staying home even more fun? wish i had seen this two days ago! definitely saving for next year :)
Thanks Jennifer, I actually didn’t get to use it either! Plans change and we ended up at a house that only got one group of trick-or-treaters… on the bright side that meant we got all the candy.
where is the link to download? Thank You.