Sharing 5 modern Dollar Store Halloween Decor DIYs – from halloween signs to a DIY halloween wreath and a spooky vase hack!

It’s time for some more Dollar Store DIYs! YouTube seems to love these, so when I was in the dollar store getting a few things for my kids birthday party last month, I grabbed some halloween goodies as well and from that? 5 dollar store DIYs for halloween! They’re a little bit classy, a little bit fun, and a lot of crafty- the best kind of decor always is, right?
5 DIYs is a lot for one blog post, so let’s dive right in!
All the DIYs are in there so while I’m explaining exactly how to do this in the post below, if you’re a bit confused about what exactly that looks like check out the video, even with sound off!

Reversible Fall + Halloween Wall Decor
There’s something about fall and halloween decor that makes me want to combine it and make it reversible. I did this last year with this porch decor (I’m using it this year in our entry for hats and mitts, you can spy it in my home tour!). This time around, I had this wood blank pumpkin cutout and wanted to try my hand at painting these chunky acrylic florals that I’ve been seeing on TikTok. They were really fun to create and while I totally questioned myself halfway through (they looked like blobs!), once I started adding the centres to the flowers, I fell in love. And the fall colours are so pretty!

You can see my process in the video, I just put the paint directly on the cutout and started making organic shapes to look like florals. I didn’t wash my brush between each floral so the colours mixed together a bit. After I was happy with the shape of the florals, I went in with a dabbing motion to make the middles of the flowers.

I flipped it over once it was dry and used a paint marker to hand letter on the back. I did just freehand this with, ‘it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus’, but in hindsight… I definitely should have sketched it out first to better balance the spacing. I filled in the off centreness of it with some dots, lines, and spiders.
Now, when my birthday passes (October 10th) and Thanksgiving here in Canada, I can flip it over instead of totally redecorating for Halloween for the last two weeks of the month!

Boo! Acrylic Sign
Acrylic signs might be an obsession of mine. I made 3 last year and now I’m at it again! You can see there here, here, and here if you’re interested. Instead of spending money on acrylic, I took an old dollar store frame and popped the acrylic out of it. You can use glass if you like too! If you have kids in your house… I’d recommend acrylic. Plenty of dollar store frames use acrylic and so do larger frames that are in the value section at Michaels.
Just make sure to peel off the clear plastic protector before you start painting!
Paint the back with acrylic paint. I mixed a charcoal/smoke colour with a black for this. I use a flat brush and just brush it around until I’m happy with the rough edges. I let it dry then did a second coat for opacity.

Now when it’s totally dry, flip it over and you get to paint the front! The only light coloured paint marker I had was silver and at first I wasn’t crazy about it… but it’s actually pretty ghostly looking and super cool when the light catches it!
I drew a little cute ghost and wrote ‘boo’. It was so easy and is honestly adorable!

Bats Felt Garland
I’m not going to lie. I didn’t really have the patience for this one. This took me about 5 minutes to make this many bats. But it was easy. Just tedious.
I found this roll of felt at the dollar store and it’s so long. Like… really really long! You could make this garland as long as you want if you’re more patient than me- is what I’m saying ;)
To make the felt bat garland, fold the felt back half the length you’d like your bats to be. Using great fabric scissors, cut out half your bat, taking care to not cut through the ends of the wings- this is where they will attach to make it a garland! Once your first bat is folded, fold it accordion style (see video) to have your second bat folded in half with the first as a template. If you are using an actual template, you wouldn’t need to use the first as a template.

Cut one at a time to make sure your scissors get great cuts- felt can be pretty thick and doing too many cuts at one time can cause the pieces of felt folded on the inside to shift and give you a different shape than you were hoping for.
This is such a classic, fun halloween decoration- I love that unlike paper that will get worn, this will last for years!

Tiny Pennants for Halloween
Okay, these turned out so darned cute. I’m in love with the Boo one, but my daughter is too so it’s hanging above her bed. I wanted it for the main area… ha! I’m going to have to make another trip to the dollar store to see if I can get more of those wooden letters.
I used the same roll of felt for this, I cut the pieces with my fabric scissors, then folded them in half to cut the points at the bottom. I had a bag of these tiny dowels from the dollar store so hot glued those to the top and then trimmed back any excess felt once the glue was dry.

For the first pennant, I hot glued on these wooden letters that are from the craft section at the dollar store. These are left over from this Easter craft so I had minimal letters left, but enough to write Boo!
The second pennant, I just free hand lettered on. I chose ‘Witch better have my candy’ with a couple candy corns. To write on felt with paint, the easiest way is definitely to use a pointed tip for a paint squeeze bottle. I like this method since it doesn’t drag across the felt like a paint brush or paint marker does. It also lets you ay down a consistent (mostly) amount of paint. I just found this pointed tip that fits on paint bottles at the dollar store. You can see from this post I’ve been writing on felt this way for YEARS. This was one of the first posts I did any kind of hand lettering for.

Halloween Vase Hack
Okay, so these are actually cups that the dollar store has sold for the past few years. I know because each year I buy one, intending to use it for a vase and then never did… does that happen to you too? That would make me feel better. Ha!

So this isn’t even a DIY, but that’s the title of the post, so let’s pretend. For this one… just take your regular florals and move them from a vase into a halloween cup. It’s shiny, beautiful, lovely, and spooky. I’m actually so so in love with this. It looks like a flower crown for this skeleton- isn’t that fun?! I can call this a DIY, right? Or at least a dollar store hack.
PHEW! That was a lot to squeeze into one post! If you liked these, I’d so love if you pinned this to come back to later! And if you’d love to see more Halloween crafts, I can tell you right now that almost all of these are from the dollar store :) CHECK THEM OUT HERE!

Colleen, Thank you for sharing your ideas-you are so clever and creative! And I love that you use materials from the Dollar Store. Your videos and blogs are an inspiration to me.
I have been following you since August of 2015 and you still are my favorite blogger that I keep coming back to. I’m going to make that acrylic art piece!
Beth! This comment made my day, thank you so much for your support :)