I’m excited to share my summer home tour! Sharing my minimal seasonal decorating (garden blooms!) and some changes we’ve had due to a flood since our last home tour (new floors!).

It’s that time again! I was thinking I’d skip over a summer home tour this year with everything that’s been going on in our home, but after I cleaned my living room last weekend, and brought in all the peonies I was deadheading from my garden… I decided to just keep going and make it happen! I’m sharing this home tour as part of my friend Krista’s Seasonal Simplicity Summer Home Tour series. You can see all the homes in the tour at the bottom of this post! If you’re on the tour and coming from Judy’s beautiful home– welcome!

Let’s chat about the big change first… our floors!
They actually don’t look too different from the floors we had before. Probably because we loved the look but after a flood (thanks to our 2 year old!) we had to replace them. We switched from laminate to vinyl and I’m loving the wide plank of this golden oak coloured flooring! My favourite part of the flooring is the edge around the stairs- the nosing is so modern and sleek, it’s something I never would have thought to ask about in looking for new flooring bu now that it’s in both Shane and I are sooo happy with this little piece! If you peek down the stairs, you can see we have new carpet down there too! I didn’t clean down there to show you though ;) That’s the kids playroom!

I’ve answered some questions over on Instagram about the floors and the restoration and I won’t get in to too much of it, but there definitely is things that we’re going to be touching up for a while as a result. We decided to turn the bathroom floor replacement into a full bathroom remodel- I’ll share more about that soon! And by switching to vinyl instead of laminate, the overall thickness of the floor is much thinner. This means the baseboards had to be moved down a 1/4″ so paint touch ups above the baseboards were done. You can definitely tell if you know to look for it so I would love to repaint… every room in our upstairs. We also have to look at patching the bottom of each of the door frames and trim. I have a plan but am not excited to take that on- so tedious! I’m going to table all that until next year because we still have to finish the remodel that we’d started on purpose before this flood ;) Anyone remember our exterior remodel?
Phew! Okay so that’s the flood updates. Let’s look at the rest!

I’ve said it before, but I don’t add much each season for decor. The same is true for this summer home tour. I love clear surfaces and minimal decor. Goodness knows we fill the mantel with lego creations, completed colouring sheets, empty coffee mugs and forgotten water bottles throughout the day. My go-to decorating move for any season is fresh flowers. I love them, you guys. They genuinely bring me joy so whether I get them from my garden, from my Dad’s garden or from the florist… It’s my first move.

These ones are all from my garden. I have a beautiful peony plant out back that’s been keeping my vase full for a couple weeks. I also have a few more hellebores this season and then a big tree that gets all these tiny white blooms. I have been taking full advantage of these since we moved back in! I plant whatever I love to have in vases… not necessarily what is the best for the garden. Ha! Next up I need some dahlias- I have my eye out ;)
Other than the fresh blooms, I honestly did no decorating for this summer home tour. Just cleaning. Is that cheating for a seasonal home tour? I’m pretty worn out from the past few months, between everything going on in the world and in my home- unpacking and cleaning the house to take photos felt like enough of a task for this week. Getting it all tidied up like this reminds me how much I love it though- the little imperfections that I know I want to fix over the next year disappear a little bit when things are in their place and that makes me so happy.

A couple things I did switch out for the season though? I snagged a new linen throw blanket for the living room- I bring it out to the patio when I sit out there… it pretty much follows me wherever I go, I love it so much! I also swapped the wreath on our front door for something brighter. I also swapped out the quote on my entry letterboard- it’s such a good reminder with everything going on in the world.

As the weather’s warmed up, we’ve been enjoying having our patio doors open during the days. The kids run in and out to play and sometimes I’ll sit on the deck to work while the kids play inside and outside. You can see my patio tours right here!

In the dining room, we still have our rainbow hearts up on the windows. They cast the prettiest shadows in the afternoons and I’m not ready to take them down yet. If you missed our dining room makeover- we did that one in a weekend! You can check it out right here.

Last but not least, I wanted to point out this little lettering I did on my window over the sink.
I lettered this with a paint marker shortly after we started staying home all the time and after our flood and things were torn apart for restoration. Since I’m at the sink a lot, it’s such a great reminder whenever I fill water bottles or do dishes. Now that we’re finally seeing the light at the end of this ‘storm’ I’m thinking I’d like to letter something else here. It’s such a nice pick me up to have right here. Do you post reminders around your house? I have a friend who leaves post its all over her house and I love it!

Alright, I so hope that you enjoyed a peek into my house this season! If you want to see MORE including areas I didn’t show today… and never show, you can see my full unfiltered home tour and our renovation plans for those spaces right HERE. For sources and links- scroll to the bottom of this post!
If you are here as part of the Seasonal Simplicity Summer Series… your next stop is Sarah’s beautiful home tour!


Sincerely, Marie Designs // Cassie Bustamante // Life is Better at Home
Lemon Thistle // Grace in My Space // Maison de Cinq
And sharing the rest of this week…

The Happy Housie // Maison de Pax // Cuckoo4Design
Modern Glam // My 100 Year Old Home // Inspiration for Moms

Setting for Four // Clean & Scentsible // Life is a Party
My Sweet Savannah // All Things With Purpose // Tatertots & Jello

Craftberry Bush // Finding Silver Pennies // The Tattered Pew
Rambling Renovators // Zevy Joy // Two Twenty One

She Gave it a Go // Taryn Whiteaker // Rooms FOR Rent

This is Simplicite // Dans le Lakehouse //Amber Tysl
Sources + Room Details from my Summer Home Tour:
- Living Room Sofa Details
- Fireplace Makeover
- Living Room Tree Ring Art DIY
- Brush Lettered Art in Living Room DIY
- Entry Makeover
- Dining Room Makeover
- Our Dining Table is a DIY
- Kitchen Remodel
- Painting Patio Doors Black
- Our Faux Wood Shades (living room, kitchen)
- Our Paint Colours
Looking for something else? I do my best to get back to questions in the comments!
It looks fabulous, Colleen! Your kitchen is still my favourite – and I love how your doors open right up to your deck – what great indoor/outdoor living (once we get some decent weather again). So glad you could be part of this series!
Oh – PS – I love the new floors! Such a perfect colour!
I love your home! I’m obsessed with your cabinet color and think my bottom cabinets are almost the same color. I also love your new flooring. We also changed from laminate to vinyl last year because of a kitchen flood! Vinyl is great!
gosh, how i love your home!!! it’s so beautiful! your kitchen is such a dream! i love all of your plants on that dresser! :) and of course, all of your words of inspiration. you know i love me some words!
Hi Colleen.
Okay, I have to say…I love your living room. There’s just something about it…looks very chill and relaxed and minimal but still inviting…you did it all at once, somehow. (Something I’m aiming for but still working on achieving! You’ve given me hope that it exists.)
Really, really nice job. I’m totally impressed. I’ll stop now before I keep rambling about how much I like it.
Thanks so much! I’ll pass this onto Colleen :)
I love the color of your floors…what are they? I know you said vinyl, but color and brand?
The flooring is from Complete Floors in Kamloops! Here’s the details: Supplier – Golden Moulding, Product Line – Mega Plank and color is White Oak