It’s turning out to bee a very bumble-bee-ee week. (Man, do you find me as funny as I find myself?!) First the Beeday Party, then the Bumble Bee Marshmallow Pops… I swear I do post things other than parties if you’re new. Today I’m bundling the back drop DIY (because it’s so easy, I couldn’t fill a whole post with the explanation) and the invite freebie is only one image, and I have a hard time hitting publish on a one image post. So that’s the why, now let’s get on with it!
I’ve updated the Beeday Invite (probably my favourite invite that I’ve ever made) with spaces for you to write or type in your own party information because I’m guessing you don’t have children named Emmitt and Aubrey that are turning one. Here’s what it looks like now:
To make it your own, just click the link below, then save the file. Then open that file up in a photo editing program (if you don’t have one, you can use Pic Monkey for free online) and type in your information. Then it’s ready to print! I printed two per page.
Now, on to the backdrop? Sure, let’s do that. I love this thing. We left it up all week until I had to take it down for filming on Tuesday (yes! More filming, I can’t wait to show you guys what we were working on). It’s so bright and fun, but not a banner or bunting (I’m over bunting, is that okay?). I really wanted something that would fill the space, but not be too fussy. It also couldn’t be too girly or boyish… I’m pretty happy with the results. So how did I make it?
I picked up some medium weight felt (it’s SO much nicer than the cheap stuff from the dollar store, guys… I want to re-make my felt banners with this stuff it’s so nice) from the fabric store. I decided before hand that I’d like my hexagons to be 12 inches at their widest point (the size of a sheet of scrapbook paper) so I could calculate how big of a sheet I needed. I chose three colours, but you could choose as many as you like. I wish there was a couple greys, but the selection was a little limited.The only thing to be cautioned about with the thicker felt (you can see this in the photo above) it creases if you fold it. Roll it or leave if flat if possible to avoid this!
I made myself a hexagon template using a scrapbook sheet of paper, and got to work tracing. The easiest thing to use is a fabric marking pencil. Mine is white- the only downside is that felt wears down the pencil really quick so you’ll be sharpening a lot. Once your lines are drawn, get cutting. Then put it up on the wall with painters tape, varying the colours so it doesn’t look like a checkerboard.
That’s it? Yup, that’s it. Now you see why I couldn’t post this in it’s own, it’s not a full DIY- it’s more of an idea. But I like to think it’s a good one, so it was still worth posting. What do you think? This idea could be used in so many different ways! Different shapes, colours, the possibilities are endless. Would you use a backdrop like this or are you more a fan of garlands?
*Also- I’m really excited to share with you a challenge next week- Thanksgiving is coming up (here in Canada) and it’s centered around being thankful. I hope you’ll stop by on Monday to find out more and that you join me on the challenge!*
This is an adorable theme! The backdrop is so simple and makes a big impact. Happy Birthday to your little ones!
Thanks so much Megan! We had so much fun putting it together :)
First – Holy man, does Aubrey ever look like you and Emmitt like your hubby!
I’m all for whatever is easy, and the felt background seems pretty gosh-darn easy to me! Right now I just have a cheapo banner from the dollar store; I’d love something with a little more “class,” lol.
Haha, we hear that all the time! And it’s so darn easy, you definitely could do it!
Once again…I love that backdrop. It is perfect for the theme and it is perfect for gender neutral. I love it!
Thanks Shambray! Gender neutral was way harder than I thought it would be!
This is adorable! My best friend’s baby turns one in December and she asked me to help her plan, definitely forwarding this to her!
Please do! Thanks so much for stopping by Emily. I Checked out your blog and I totally love your style, can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I love this idea! I noticed it in your bee-day posts last week. So super cute, I’m gonna have to make this for my house, somewhere… Thanks for sharing at On Display Thursday. :)
Thanks so much Leia! I’d love to see if you do- and as always, awesome party :)
How did you adhere felt to the wall?
Just with painters tape in loops!
Plz let me know Where can I get these kind of sheet other thn dollar shop? Bcz this sheet looks good.
You can find it in rolls at the fabric store!
Fabric store! Sold by the meter :)