Grab this free printable hand lettering practice sheet with 6 casual brush lettering styles with the word ‘Rain Drops’ – the perfect way to while away a rainy afternoon!

Has anyone else had an unseasonably warm spring? I felt like we missed the ‘April Showers’ before ‘May Flowers’ and we jumped straight to warmth and spring blooms. But this week, that changed and we’ve gotten all the rain I think we’d missed out on! So it’s the perfect time to hit publish on this ‘Rain Drops’ Hand Lettering Practice Sheet for you!
I have so much fun making these every single month for you guys and this one is no exception. As always, I tried to choose a phrase that had some fun letters to play with… honestly some of my faves! And even painted my nails for this. Which, if you’ve seen my IG stories, you’ll know will be destroyed by dinner with all the gardening I’m doing ;)
If you’re new to printable hand lettering practice sheets, I have a full post sharing 3 ways you can use them to improve your lettering right here. I have a bunch available- you can check them all out right here.
I love these because they give me an opportunity to play around with different styles that I might not naturally try. They’re great for finding your own style as you’re lettering through, picking out letter shapes that you love to recreate. They’re also great warm up before you get lettering.
I hope you enjoy it! And if you want to share your practicing, you know I’d love to see it! You can tag me @colleenpastoor or email me
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